[After Server Save]
- Adicionado Red Skull Remover (Boss Shop: 6000 Pontos)
- A Forbidden Fruit foi corrigida.
- Os eventos (Bomberman, Safe Zone, Snow Ball e Capture The Flag) serão executados diariamente.
- Agora você pode acertar monstros invisiveis como Warlocks, Stalkers, Deathstrike, etc com runas single target como SD, HMM etc.
- Agora ao lurar um monstro caso ele passe na frente de um outro personagem o mesmo vai mudar de target.
- Algumas mecânicas relacionadas a Fields(e Waves) dos Daily Bosses não estavam funcionando corretamente, foram todas corrigidas.
- Adicionado Shard no Yasir
- Os rings e amuleto da Warzone foram temporariamente desativados(Guardian Ring, Foliole Ring, Sharp Ring, Pentagon Ring, Chaos Ring e Mossy Amulet)
[After Server Save]
- Added Red Skull Remover (Boss Shop: 6000 Points)
- The Forbidden Fruit has been fixed.
- The events (Bomberman, Safe Zone, Snow Ball, and Capture The Flag) will now run daily.
- You can now hit invisible monsters like Warlocks, Stalkers, Deathstrike, etc with single target runes such as SD, HMM, etc.
- Now, when luring a monster, if it passes in front of another character, it will change its target.
- Some mechanics of the Daily Bosses related to Fields(and Waves) were not working correctly; all have been fixed.
- Shard has been added to Yasir.
- The rings and amulet from Warzone were temporarily deactivated(Guardian Ring, Foliole Ring, Sharp Ring, Pentagon Ring, Chaos Ring and Mossy Amulet)