 Versnoth (Recommended Level: 60+)
Boss Points: 150
Experience Points: 75.000

 - This scroll grants 25% of Exp Bonus for 1 hour and is intransferible (only usable on your own character). (Max of 1 per day). You also have the chance to gain 5% of Exp Bonus when you click on the reward but it will be applied to your character automatically for 20 hours.

 - You need a Versnoth Token to access the New Respawn of Albino Dragons(CLICK HERE), north west of Svargrond.
Requeriments: Solo or maximum 4 players. Pay 1 Boss Token(Buy at Merchant Auren above Venore Depot or Store) per player to pull the lever.
Time Limit to kill the Monster: 15 minutes.
Location: North West of Falcon Island. Before Albino Dragons pit.

Durante toda a batalha, irá surgir uma onda de gelo que pode vir de qualquer direção. Quando essa onda surgir, surgirá também vários pilares para os jogadores se esconderem atrás. Contudo esses pilares precisam ser curados até o máximo da vida para realmente bloquearem a onda de gelo; se não estiverem com a vida completa, não irão bloquear a onda.

Durante toda a batalha também surgirão 3 grandes fogueiras. Depois dessas fogueiras surgirem, cairá uma Avalanche do céu, causando dano na sala toda, menos perto das grandes fogueiras.

Com 80% de vida do boss Versnoth, surgirá uma Despoina Illusion e outras criaturas. Os jogadores precisam matar a Despoina Illusion grudada no boss Versnoth, se não ela resurgirá e causará dano aos jogadores.

O mesmo acontecerá com 60% e 40% de vida do Versnoth.

Com 20% de vida do boss Versnoth, nascerá uma Angry Despoina e outras criaturas. Os jogadores precisarão matar o Versnoth e a Angry Despoina ao mesmo tempo, em uma janela de 10 segundos, se não eles ressurgirão com a vida completa. 

Throughout the whole battle, a wave of ice will appear that can come from any direction. When this wave appears, several pillars will also appear for players to hide behind. However, these pillars need to be healed to full health to actually block the ice wave; if they are not at full health, they will not block the wave.

Three large bonfires will also appear throughout the whole battle. After these bonfires appear, an Avalanche will fall from the sky, causing damage to the entire room, except near the large bonfires.

At 80% of the Versnoth health, a Despoina Illusion and other creatures will appear. Players must kill the Despoina Illusion close to Versnoth, otherwise it will respawn again and cause damage to players.

The same will happen at 60% and 40% health of Versnoth.

At 20% of the Versnoth health, an Angry Despoina and other creatures will appear. Players will need to kill Versnoth and Angry Despoina at the same time within a 10 second window, otherwise they will respawn with full health.